FORMED is a premier online platform with thousands of Catholic studies, movies, cartoons, audio dramas, eBooks and audio talks.  It is FREE for you to join as a member of Militia Immaculata to help you in your faith journey to understand, live, and share your Catholic faith.



  1. Go to
  2. Enter Militia of the Immaculata (M.I. Canada). Postal code (V1Y 9N9) will also pop up.
  3. Enter your name and email address and submit.
  4. You only need to register once, after that just “sign in” when you want to go back into FORMED. HINT: you do not need to “log out” when you are done using FORMED. Just exit in your browser. That way you will not have to confirm on your email every time (unless you are using a different device).
  5. FORMED can be accessed on any computer, I-pad, or tablet. There is also a free phone app for FORMED but you must register first online, then go to the app store or play store and download the free app.  Leader Resources are downloadable for free:  FORMED Leader Resources can also be used by parents as well to give people who are parents content suggestions and ways they can use FORMED in their families.

FREE AMEN app for smart phones (prayer, meditation, and scripture audio app).  Here is the link to all the resources you can use for that: This is free to you and to anyone who wants to get it. 

How to get it:  Go to the app store or the play store on your smart phone.  Type into the search function:  Amen Catholic.  The icon for AMEN will pop up, then click “get”. 


FORMED is excited to present curated content to help the Church journey through the Easter season.


Why are we here? What's life is all about?


Choose from a variety of Bible Studies designed to help you discover the relevant truth of Scripture and the tradition of the Catholic Church. Ideal for small groups or individual study.


Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morning with a short video from Dr. Tim Gray.